Sep 10, 2020 | Film, Jazz, Music
Penang’s jazz scene hit a setback back in 2018 when the long-running Penang Island Jazz Festival was cancelled. The current pandemic-related restrictions on live entertainment have made things extraordinarily difficult for all live performers, jazz musicians included....
Jul 23, 2018 | Festivals, Film
This year, the George Town Festival’s programme features many film screenings of all genres and orientating from multiple continents. There is undoubtedly something for everyone! To help guide you through the vast selection, here are a few of the highlights! 1. First...
Jun 30, 2018 | Festivals, Film
The SeaShorts film festival was first held last year. Festival Director Tan Chui Mui gathered filmmakers from the region, programmers, festival guests and also audience from different corners to celebrate the culture of watching short films together, and showed...
Apr 29, 2018 | Festivals, Film
Mainly, but not only, a film festival, Le French Festival returns to Penang this year with sixteen of the best contemporary French films showing at the GSC Cinema in Gurney Plaza. Pretty much every film genre is represented, with romantic comedies, historical tales,...
Apr 14, 2018 | Exhibitions, Film, Markets, Music, Photography
Contemporary Arts Centre complex Hin Bus Depot will be given over to a one day celebration of vinyl records and all things vintage on Saturday April 21st, in conjunction “World Record Store Day” which recognises independent record stores all over the world...
Mar 24, 2018 | Festivals, Film
After last year’s first ever Mexican Film festival in Penang, movie fans are delighted that the festival is back again this year, from April 2nd until 6th, with screenings every evening at 8pm in penangpac’s Stage 2. Each of the five successful...