As I entered the art space at G Hotel on the first floor, I was struck with an immediate sense of calm that comes with Sharon Kow’s work. The subject matter of her work is very still, just like the title. Kow has breathed calmness into her hyperrealistic drawings, which echoes around the space leaving you feeling uplifted and relaxed after staring at these stones. Stillness and serenity surrounds you as you walk amongst these most exquisite drawings made from colouring pencils. It really is remarkable to see a tool that we have all used throughout our school days, being used in such a professional and high quality hyper-realistic manner.

Resonance by Sharon Kow

My favourite piece of work was called “Resonance” and I just adored the way the light ripples through the water casting such varied and intimately detailed shadows on the stones below.

The fact that we feel calm and in a meditative space is completely deliberate as Kow herself sees art as a meditative practice where her mind can be free from everything else. Based in Penang she is also a self taught artist and whilst she is relatively new to the professional fine art world, her work speaks for itself in that it is so exquisite. Most pieces are priced at around RM3800-RM4000 which is very reasonable given the level of skill required to achieve this work, and given the fine detail in each piece. I cannot recommend this exhibition enough as it really feels like stepping out of a yoga session and into a warm bath with candles burning and essential oils… it feels like a rare treat indeed and something bound to soothe the soul.

G Hotel Gallery is on the first floor of the G Hotel and is on the Gurney Drive side of the hotel. One must enter through the Gurney Drive entrance and then either take the stairs or the middle lift to reach the first floor. They have been host to some of the most skilled artists of Penang’s contemporary art scene and this exhibition is no exception. 

Technically the gallery is open 24 hours a days as it is part of the hotel, but they prefer outside guests to visit between 10am and 10pm. This exhibition is on until the 24th September to the 21st December 2020 at G Hotel Gurney, and I will definitely be going back a few times to gain that sense of calm again.

By Lusy Koror