A must see !!!! Syiok Sendiri is Penang Comedy at its finest. A group of twenty-somethings give you life on the island as it is – weird – funny – relentlessly unique and queer – always honest …well what can I say, your cheek muscles will hurt from all that laughter but you wont beg for mercy. They are just too good.
This time Syiok Sendiri is “back in school” and promises to give us a taste of the Malaysian classroom experience: Puan Pamela Rodrigues and her BFF Miss Helen Shanti along with their comrades in education will attempt to give us a little bit of pendidikan…Malaysian style. I can’t imagine what they will come up with and I don’t want to. I want to go and let this fresh kind of comedy style make me cry with laughter and see myself and my life in Penang in a mirror. But hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself then what can you do?
Syiok Sendiri claim they do not intend to put on glorious artistic works of art, nor to present some sort of intelligent social commentary piece. But, as always there will be multiple references to current affairs and popular culture, presented with affection, masses of humour, a sense of the ridiculousness of certain aspects of life, and dosed with plenty of cili padi and rojak. And in this way too, the language is primarily English, with plenty of Malay, Hokkien and other languages thrown into the mix.
The objective of Syiok Sendiri is to entertain, and we fully expect full-houses to be royally entertained again this time!
There are three performances on September 3oth, October 1st and October 2nd, at 8.30pm at penangpac in Straits Quay. Tickers are RM 40 (RM 30 for concessions) and can be purchased from the penangpac box office (04-899 172) or from ticketpro
Please not that September 30th is already sold out so don’t delay to buy your tickets!