FACES by Khoo Sui Hoe, July 27th – August 25th 2019

Enter the Daiichi Art Space and you’ll find yourself stared at by a plethora of small faces. FACES, the new exhibition of paintings by Khoo Sui Hoe, is, well, what the title might lead you to believe: a lot of paintings of a lot of faces. But there is...

Songkran Water Festival Penang, 13th April 2019

Songkran, also known as the Thai Water Festival, is a traditional Thai Festival to mark the New Year. Is also celebrated in Penang, notably along Lorong Burma in Pulau Tikus, where both the Thai Reclining Buddha temple and the Burmese Temple celebrate with gusto....
French Film Festival, May 25th-June 4th 2017

French Film Festival, May 25th-June 4th 2017

Alliance Francaise, the French cultural organisation, once again brings the best of recent French cinema to Penang, as part of a larger French Festival, which includes an exhibition, a piano recital, and the annual “Fête de la Musique”.  Seventeen...
Opera 7.45 – The Twilight Zone, Until April 27th

Opera 7.45 – The Twilight Zone, Until April 27th

Penang Photographer Albert Foo loves Chinese opera. His passion for an art form he fears is dying in Penang is gloriously obvious in this exhibition of his photographs at Keeni Kessler Gallery.  The photographs were all taken against the magical light...