Sep 17, 2019 | Choral, Comedy, Music, opera
Iolanthe is one of fourteen Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas that the pair wrote in the late 19th century. Gilbert wrote the words, and created the fanciful, upside-down, absurd worlds that create the, often satirical, comedy of the story, and Sullivan composed the...
Aug 10, 2019 | Community, Festivals, opera, Theatre
You will want to watch out this month in Penang. The gates of hell have been opened — according to Chinese Buddhist and Taoist beliefs — and ghosts are roaming freely. These long-necked spirits are hungry, both for food and entertainment. And it is the role of the...
Jun 5, 2017 | Choral, opera
Established in 2012 (under a different name), the mission of Kuala Lumpur City Opera (KLCO) is to promote western opera music among Malaysians through stage performances and concerts. With 15 principal singers and a resident chorus of 35, KLCO stages one or two...